Air Quality Products

Most people are aware that indoor air quality is a major issue in many homes, but do we really know the facts? Please read some of the indoor air quality facts that are listed below, you will probably be quite shocked;
Most homes generate about 40 pounds of dust per year for every 1.500 square feet of space.
About 40,000 dust mites, a common cause of household allergies, can be found in only one ounce of dust.
Because they breathe faster than adults, children inhale 50% more air per pound of body weight than adults and are especially sensitive to air quality problems.
The EPA ranks indoor air pollution among the top five environmental risks to public health.
EPA studies indicate that indoor levels of many pollutants may be 25 times, and occasionally more than 100 times, higher than outdoor levels. In general, indoor air is four to five times more polluted than outdoor air.
More than 15 million Americans are estimated to have asthma, including one-in-13 school-age children.
In the last 30 years, the number of people with asthma has gone up by almost 60%.
“Over 2.6 million Canadians over age 12 and 12% of children under 12 suffer from asthma related breathing problems.” -Source:
Fortunately, Steam Dry Canada offers the solutions to these issues that affect the majority of our families and homes. Whether it is Humidification, Filtration or Cleaning, we have you covered. All solutions are provided by qualified technicians whom only install superior products. All installed products come with a 1 year labour warranty and a product warranty that may vary from product to product.
- Furnace and Duct Cleaning Service
- Honeywell Flow Through Humidifiers
- Electrostatic Filters
- Electronic Air Cleaners
- UV Lights
Please contact our office directly if you would like to receive any more information.